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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Weather change

China experience a massive dry season. Most of the river along the upper and middle part of YangTze River had been drying up. Lakes rock bottom dried since last month. Aquaculture and agriculture segments are greatly affected.

News on the Massive Three Gorges Dam experienced a low and tide water level. Power plant may choose to reduce the power generation. Climate change made the thing worst. The summer had not been that for the last 100 years. Has this happened 40 years ago, China shall experience many people die of hunger. The GDP numbers is affected and the number will go all time low now.

More immigrant will splash on the major cities at the coastal area at the eastern part of China. Fortunately, inland transport and smooth transfer of good and feed recover over the short fall.
The local people are not 'affected'. owing to modernization and massive economic growth for the last 3 decades.

China has maintained a strong policy of - emphasizing to feed up their own people by modernizing the agriculture and aquaculture industry. It manages to produce enough feedstock - rice, wheat, grains, etc to food its 1.3 billion people.

Strategic choice and planned action work well since the 1970s. The early 1960s and late 1950s hunger disaster killed and affected 50 million people. From then on, it embarked a strategic action - to modify genetically of the high yield grain. The result, it produces more than the demand today.

Malaysia, a small country of 28 million inhabitant, serves only 40% of the grain that produced locally. And that 60% had to be imported. We have long term strategic and massive plan but lack strategic action and delivery system. This is a thread - Its a national security issue!!!!!!!!!

Bad bad bad bad ai ya ya aya ayayyaya

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Middle Income TRAP

The morning breakfast come with a clay pot hard and hot "yee mee" comes together with boiling soup and egg in it. I really enjoyed the fried yet hot boiled noodle. It was served with some cut chilli padi plus kichap. As usual, the Myammar is serving in this kopitiam. The boss is a local Chinese descendant. He "sublet" to the Myammese couple, providing them all the raw ingredient and foodstuff, paying the Myammese couple by the number of bowls sold.

Judging from the opening stock and closing stock, the stall operator manages his business and the Myammese do the cooking job. He hangs around in another outlet, where he took care the business there. He cook there as well. And of course, he makes his money there. To him, its an extra income over the stall here. He arranged the deal. And the Myammese couple work for him. He makes half of the money. He does not employ the workers. Instead, the Myammese are his so called "business partner". Pointing the finger of working towards the deal, it is common now in Klang Valley, that the food store and eating outlet - flooded with Myammese and Indonesian immigrant. Some of them speak Cantonese dialect fluently now. It is not surprise that this mother land of us will be shared by all later.

I was with an executive officer of an local employment agency just now. He told me there are about 300,000 Myammese working in Malaysia. Some of them came in as "tourist" and its without proper working permit. Some of them that with expired working permit. Some of them without any passport (that the passport is kept by the original employer).

Illegal immigrant issue has been a critical problem herewith. Business entities and household (on maid) employ immigrant because its cheaper to employ foreign labour. The unwanted jobs then will then pass on to the respective foreign workers. The dirty, demanding and dangerous (3D) jobs like the one in construction field and mass factories have employed mostly foreign workers. Our local people are fond of putting a smell on higher income but lesser, safer, cleaner, easier and more comfortable working environment yet more commanding order job reference.

Most local people seek middle income status. Most of us want to "enjoy" the privilege of executive and management people, rather than the so called "general labour". The middle income trap rose rapidly because local people find difficulty to get proper job. One may start to manage the work than doing the job. A friend of mine employed his friend to work as general worker in his construction site as tiler for RM80 per day (although he can employ a foreign worker for RM40 - and did the same job). For the first few days, he saw him working over at the construction site. Later, he found that he did not worked at the site. Instead he was just sitting down in the coffee shop - playing mahjong. He then asked him why he was absent from the construction site. The friend of my friend said he had 'subcontracted' to his Indonesian labour for RM40 per day. And his worker did the same job as expected. Then, he can stay in the coffee shop, but the job done. And he made RM40 out of it.

There was this joke that the middle income trap scenario perceived a resillience among the local people. Everyone of us thought the tough job should be done by the foreigners. Its the norms and behavior, that limiting us from moving forward. Our generation will definitely not allowing our children to work as construction labours. We shall definitely ask our children to become doctors, engineers, economist, bankers, lawyers, accountants, system analysts, etc....., but not kopitiam waiters, general sweepers, general factory labourers, etc.

Thus, they will rather sitting down at home, jobless, unemployed, doing nothing but playing computer games, chit chatting and face booking with friends. They will rather pay their children the household need than asking them to work in the construction site. They prefer them to look for some store and outlets - become 'boss' of his kind. They seldom consider to work alone. The generation after us have emerged as the most toughest yet more critical middle income trapper. The government find hard to believe, and critically wanting to solve this before it was melted down. The frustration and anger over the rising stress and pressure of high cost of living, high standard of living caused the mere spell of unsatisfactory scene in the last general poll (March 2008). Singapore experienced the same story in the recent 2011 poll. The yardstick come close to critical moment - the moment of truth - that the people will no longer want to stay put and look after the adminstrators. They want more and they demand better and greater financial freedom. They show cause the situation in the coming general poll. The existing adminstrators find hard to accept this frustration. They are subjected to change. And they must change or they will be changed.


Many talk about this ancient course of study about the norms and abnorms. Its about the origin of what we belong. Its natural effect and convenient that we secure. Its the credential of our status in nurturing the "QI". Plying the detail analogy, the word "feng" is "wind"; that something that move i.e. a moving thrust. The word "shui" is "water"; that those thing that stay i.e. a stay issue.

Fengshui is part of our daily life. Its part of the reaction and action towards the nature. Its about the hard and soft touch. Its about the acceptance and rejection of an issue. Its on the counter and direct contact. Its a differentiation of black and white. Its the contrast between summer and winter, autumn and spring. Its the difference between men and women, boys and girls, female and male, positive and negative, conscious and unconscious, stay awake and asleep, and its about the "in" and "out".

Its about the thought of "YI". Knowing that the taught of Lao Tze (老子)in his thought ie. Dao De Jing (道德经), its essential to acknowledge the effectiveness and efficiency of our activity and workdone thru right timing, right people, right method, right place, right direction, right location, .........

Its easy to describe and however it is hard to adopt, that where and how, when and which, who and what to do over all the "rights". And, this comes with tremendous hard rock study and extensive research over it. Someone may strike the jack pot over the shadow of failure - because the belief in getting all the "rights". Thus, it will circulate a wonderful story - of how good the knowledge of fengshui that will enable fantastic achievement.

Fengshui has been pointed for a tool of financial credential. Its a tool for better status of money making process. Its a method to seal off a better and above the expected key result. Its a kind of critical supporting and success factor to succeed in business and personal life. In assuring the amble funds and fun, knowledge workers of the fengshui taught has brought forward a detail description, that for the first time - the non Chinese to appreciate the ultra performance of "YI".

Its hard to believe that by putting some "stones" or "stutue", or for that matter flower pots, vase, coins, crystal, books, woods, plants, metal tooling, etc ; that it may create greater harmony by balancing the "ying" and "yang" of the environment. And its belief and to be believed with.

Checking on the ancient books, one may find that the way and which the happening could be known before time. Its foresee or predictable. Its norms and ab-norms. Then, there are some critical taught; that manuscripts some famous and credential finding and literatures such as The Art of War by Sun Tzi, The Three Kingdoms, .........

Perhaps, human being is the being that cares and would like to find "trouble"; that makes the difference among the living thing and creatures. And, "fengshui" could be the terminology and taught that serves with purpose in this vector.....


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bangsa Malaysia

Secara lazimnya, rakyat Malaysia mempergunakan perkataan "bangsa" sebagai pengertian suku kaum. Setahu saya, perkataan "bangsa" membawa erti kata kenegaraan yang unik. Keunikan ini adalah wujud sebagai simbol dan identiti sebuah negara. Lantasnya perkataan 'bangsa' telah dilanjutkan kepada perkataan "kebangsaan". Dan ianya membawa kepada semangat kenegaraannya.

Bila ditanya umum, rakyat Indonesia akan mengatakan mereka sebagai Bangsa Indonesia. Maka, jika dia orang Jawa, mereka akan tonjol sebagai Suku Jawa. Mereka tidak mengatakan bahawa mereka adalah Bangsa Jawa, Bangsa Madura, Bangsa Flores, dan sebagainya. Mereka hanya mengatakan mereka sebagai Orang Jawa ataupun asal Jawa, suku Jawa dan sebagainya. Dan beginilah mereka pertikaikan kenegaraan dan kebangsaan rakyat Indonesia.

Sebaliknya di Malaysia, kami telah dikaitkan dengan perkataan bangsa ini termaktub kepada suku kaum di sekitar Malaysia. Bila ditanya, rakyat Malaysia terbahagi kepada bangsa Melayu, bangsa Cina, bangsa India, bangsa Kadazan, bangsa Iban, bangsa Asal dan sebagainya. Ini bermakna kami berpunya dengan pelbagai kenegaraan dan kebangsaan di sebuah negara yang hanya mempunyai 28 juta penduduk. (angka ini adalah rendah jika dibandingkan dengan Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam , Filipina, Myanmar, dan tidak dibandingkan lagi dengan China, India, Korea, Japan)

Perlulah saya ingin katakan di sini, bahawa pihak tertentu (terutama sekali Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka) perlu meninjau dan menampakkan kesahihan tafsiran tentang "bangsa'. Bagi saya, kita hanya mempunyai bangsa Malaysia, dan ianya merupakan salah satu daripada ertikata dan takrif " 1 Malaysia ". Kita hanya mempunyai suatu negara iaitu Malaysia; dan suatu bangsa sahaja iaitu bangsa Malaysia. Dan kita mempunyai pelbagai suku kaum - iaitu suku Melayu, suku Cina, suku India, suku Kadazan, suku Iban, suku Asal, dan sebagainya.

Bayangkan betapa keliru jika sekiranya tetamu asing mengetahui bahawa kita mempunyai begitu banyak "negara" dalam negara ini. Ini adalah kerana kita mempunyai banyak bangsa yang berbagai budaya dan identitinya. Jelaslah bahawa mengapa kita telah dibahagi-bahagikan sebegini dari dulu lagi.

Diharap pihak tertentu dapat memperbetulkan definasi yang jelas maksudnya...

Monday, May 16, 2011



而这大道的无就是有,这无情就是有情,那时无条件的情 。

而这人间之情是 有条件之情,那也是 好动 之 情感。

那也是 色即是空,空即是色的意义。
而也是 佛主无情就是有情的含义。

愿大家 “”“ 卫塞节 ”“” 快乐。。。

Friday, May 6, 2011

RRI Land disposal to EPF - a different opinion

When you read the Star paper, with the column stating the news that Government intends to dispose the land to EPF, it adheres the situated defragment. In an undesired situation EPF is provident fund set up by the government to withhold some of the money from the employees/employers - in need of life saving purpose. It used to be a "pension fund" for the employees during their old days.

EPF has year been in carrying out investment , with the purpose to secure better return. Under its portfolio mix, property development accounts for 2% of the total return. It says by developing this piece of "satelite township" of Petaling Jaya, the RM3 billion land will reap a gross development value of RM10 billion.

From the norm and my educated experience (whom I have been in the property development for more than 20years, the land cost per development is 3 times higher than the norm which is in the region of 10% to 15% from GDV. If the land RM3 billion, I expect the GDV should exceed RM20 billion. The expected Gross contribution after the land cost should be RM4 billion (20%). It is not logical that the government to dispose, whereas the Government may be able to build more equitable township. I must say, we do not have a luxury space anymore for the kind of development style that happened in Shah Alam, Kota Damansara, Kota Kemuning, Bangi, Setia Eco Park, Bukit Tinggi Klang, Bandar Baru Selayang, etc.

WE MUST DEVELOPED A CITY with modernized situation and suit to the younger generation and thereafter. In the good old days, we build a lot of single and double storey terrace houses. We build 5 storey walk up apartment to cater for the lower income group. These apartment units are without lift. Many choose not to stay in these apartments. Instead, it houses with the immigrant and foreign workers. We should not build these kind of apartments anymore. We should not build too many of these single and double storey landed property. It curtailed too much of our valuable land.

In the past, we build roads and highways, thinking to alleviate and to reduce traffic congestion. We spend too much money in bothering the household and motorist. Instead, we neglect public transport. We do not build new railway line. Instead we choose to build more and more highway. We never develop enough of the public transport. There are too much of missing links among the public transport network. We spend too much money on locating the best possible toll motorway. Motorist in Klang Valley not less than RM200 per month ( on average for normal people living in Klang Valley).

Today, we have a situation to decide and to defend the right of our future generation. We must do it properly. If given to EPF, and like others, EPF too a profitable organization. They too will consider to reap the profit margin from investment. Are they willing to spend more money in preparing the infrastructure facility in catering the public transport. Are they willing to give ithe land for MRT/LRT line.

Many people look at thing in a specific picture. An investment is an opportunity to increase value of the investors. And many will look at the profit in cash, and neglecting the long range outlook and benefit from the investment. Many has assumed that the return in kinds is irrelevant. Putting a shoe on the hand of the administrator and politician, they will definitely look at the point of gaining more popularity rather than the number. Surely, if the land is disposed to EPF, EPF will definitely look at the profit and return. Knowing that the profit from the subsales of land in pieces, will generate handfull profit.

Mocking the change in prescription of political climate, our Premier mentions the Government will build affordable houses at a price tag of RM220,000.00 oer unit of house. Here, policymaker will force the developer to build more affordable homes. If Government choose to invest and build it, we can access to the land here in. Disposing to the public at a control price will definitely stiffened the price upward movement of houses in Klang Valley.

The site of the land is located next to Sungai Buloh, neighbouring Kota Damansara (formerly known as Bandar Baru Sungai Buloh), its no difference from creating another sizeable and compact township. We should develop higher density development. More high rise apartment, means effective land use, and much higher (in compare with Putrajaya). Its a sister township of the now Putrajaya. By now, we can name it say Bandar Puteri Jaya. Catering the need for handsome growth, we build less highway and toll road across herewith. We should build a range road of buslane (thru and flow - similar to that in GuangZhou) instead. We target the youngster and younger generation; building more high density affordable homes. There is no way that we ought to follow the regime method of Selangor , where it is highly restricted with fall out and unwanted land use program. Currently, any thing that with density more than 4, will not even consider to register at One Stop Centre (OSC).

The government should look at it in a broader perspective, it should build multi lingual primary schools (namely Chinese Primary and Tamil Primary ), apart from the conventional National Primary Schools). In attracting a fairer representation in the participation, the Government should call open tender instead letting alone for EPF to buy at the stipulated price. I think it should fetch higher price if it goes on open tender. For that matter, the Federal Government should consider to add value by getting the master layout approve first, before ended up selling the raw land (and some of them - are new breed of various rubber species).

I sincerely hope that the Government not to dispose the land now. Instead, it should form an SPV, and this entity will ensure the whole master layout approved. Thereby generating an value that double the selling price that EPF obtain. Thereafter, the government will enjoy long range benefit, by initiating the affordable and quality living lifestyle in Klang Valley. We can imagine how convenience we are of, when the people in Putri Jaya can travel to the heart of KL within 2o minutes - with the build in public transport.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

modular homes

Dear All,

Moment before I write this statement, I went thru my FB profile. I watched this video from youtube - indicating the construction method - practiced in the USA, fabricating their units of house in the factory and assemble it into houses within 6 weeks.

take a look on the website

I won't say they are the best. But I had yet to locate a better one.
It's suitable to us in future.
