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Thursday, October 15, 2009


YB Dato Sri Ong Tee Keat (OTK) is in the midst on managing the crisis. The ever evoluting situation in MCA generates a fascinating manuscript of this Chinese ethnic political party. Months before, OTK could have chosen to keep quiet and accept Chua Soi Lek (CSL) as his second man. Instead, he chose to kick him out. Thanks to the help of his so called "ma chai" - the group of central committee members. There and then, the 'cleansing' process went on. Many regional leaders and figures head chopped. In addition, many MCA leaders had loosen their knots when they suffered tremendous setback during the 12th GE. Leaders at several states including Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Penang and Kedah had lost their grip. They have lost their post in various hierachy and levels - from the assembly, councils, village heads, etc. The frustation and anger can be perforated with the existance of faction fighting in MCA.

Those delegates that chose to vote for CSL because "They have nothing to lose anymore". Those who chose to vote OTK because they still hold certain legislative and executive positions. Some chose to ignore these faction fighting. Most feel the sympathy and shaking heads of the bitter scene. OTK had earlier on declared that he would resign if those resolutions in the EGM adopted. Now that, he decided to stay on. If I were him, I will do so.

Judging from the scene, most people want him to leave. I think he should stay. He did nothing wrong. He tried his best to make his formulae and manifesto work. In another perspective, he could have chosen to convince his boss (PM) to arrange a position say 'the ambassidor with minister status - The Ambassidor to China' for CSL. Long before, Someone had used use this method. Someone was sent to the US and being disappeared from local politics for several years. When this guy came back, he lost his grip. He could have walked away with 'handsome' contract, and keep quiet - be a decent "business man" under the blended BN government.

I think he does what must. Not what want.
He poises for CHANGE, and however, most do not follow him.
Now, he is facing the dilemma of Technical Knock Out (TKO) situation.
I agree with the way and which the manuscript to be drafted. While he is in power, that everyone will stand behind him and declared to resign if the resolutions were adopted. Now that, certain resolutions adopted and CSL is being reinstated as member and not Deputy President. Everyone assumes that the floor rejected OTK. Thats only works when 2 out 3 rejected him.

In this case, I support OTK. Let the floor to decide once more.
Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. This time the delegates will go for OTK or TKO.

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