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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cendana Politik Setempat

Wujudnya "demokrasi" sejak tamadun Yunani (Greece) beribu tahun dulu, pangkahnya keistimewaan pengundi-pengundi mereka menjadi penentu kepada siapa yang akan menjadi pemimpin mereka. Wujudnya sistem pengundian yang menjelma barang siapa yang mendapat sokongan majoriti maupun sekadar kelebihan 1 undi sahaja; mempertikaikan kesahihan untuk menghuraikan secara nombor sahaja. Dalam sistem politik yang sediakala, pilihan raya umum adalah menjadi suatu gelanggang untuk menentukan kewibawaan kepemimpinan sesuatu barisan pemimpin. Maupun, setengah pemimpin tidak mempunyai nilai akhlak dan personaliti yang baik; namun ianya telah menonjolkan keadilan yang saksama dalam sistem pengundian, dan diberi peluang untuk bertanding dalam pilihanraya; dan juga lazimnya menang dan menjadi wakil.

Inilah muka seri politik yang dinampak dari konteks luar. Di muka depan, barang apa saja yang diingatkan untuk menarik perhatian penyokongnya supaya mereka menyokong pemimpin (maupun dengan balasan wang, kontrak, tanah, dll). Lazimnya, ini telah berlaku atas kepentingan individu, tanpa ideologi and falsafah hidup. Justeru, ramai yang terlalu ghairah akan kepentingan materialistik; menjadi penyokong lalu menjadi pemimpin mereka. Dengan ini, hilangnya ideologi politik asal, yang selama ini telah menjadi tunggak kepada pertubuhan politk.

Maka dengan ini, hilangnya sokongan apabila pemimpin mereka tidak dapat memenuhi kehendak penyokong-penyokong mereka. Ini terutama sekali, apabila penyokong meminta dan mengaut dengan lebih mendalam lagi. Inilah yang menyebabkan kejatuhan kebanyakan parti pemerintah di seluruh selok dunia sekarang. Rakyat telah bangkit atas kemarahan dan tidak puashati dengan keadaan hidup mereka. Mereka cukup iri hati dengan kehidupan pemimpin mereka yang begitu mewah, dan rakyat pula yang menderita. Tahap kemarahan mereka telah bersungguh-sungguh sehingga cetusnya sebuah insiden yang kecil juga akan menyalakan api pemberontakan yang membara-bara.

Baik pun pihak pembangkang dan opotunis (untuk kepentingan diri) juga mengheboh-hebohkan semangat untuk kebangkitan rakyat, ataupun pemerintah memang perlu ditukar, sistem pengundian telah menjadi sebuah cermin untuk mempertikaikan kewibawaan dan kesahihan untuk mereka meneruskan zaman pemerintahan mereka. Justeru itu, pemerintahnya akan menggunakan apa saja muslihat (jika ia berlaku secara tidak halal) dan strategi (jika ia berlaku secara halal) untuk memesongkan keputusan pengundian.

Adanya, juga kumpulan yang tertentu telah berpadu untuk memperlihatkan sokongan mereka dengan perhimpunan yang menyuarakan keinginan untuk mempunyai suatu pengundian yang BERSIH dan amanah. Proses permintaan telah dijadi gelanggang pertempuran politik.

Didalam pada itu, pihak pemerintah selalunya mempunyai terlalu banyak 'advantage' hinggakan nampaknya mereka tidak 'mungkin' kalah dalam sistem pengundian. Inilah yang menyebabkan mereka menjadi terlalu angkuh, sombong dan sumbang. Politik kumpulan telah menjadi politik individu. Arena politik telah dijadikan arena untuk mengaut kekayaan individu. Terjelmanya, 'entrepreneur' ala politik yang merupakan 'partner' yang baik kepada pemerintah-pemerintah. Apabila individu-individu dalam kumpulan pemerintah itu berkelahi antara satu sama lain (bila masing-masing untuk merebut kepentingan individu, tanpa hiraukan kepentingan kumpulan), maka, hilangnya
advantage mereka.

Di dalam pada itu, aliran politik dan ekonomi ala globalisasi telah menukar 'facelift' politik setempat. Teknologi digital telah suraikan kepautan mesej. Berita dan pemahaman idea telah disebarkan dengan lancar di dalam laman web. Pihak pemerintah telah hilang 'advantage' untuk menyekat pautan dan laungan daripada pihak pembangkang mereka. Kecanggihan teknologi ini merupakan suatu sebab utama yang telah mengakibatkan kejatuhan beberapa kerajaan di luar negara. Aliran dan media sebaran am ini telah menonjolkan kebangkitan suara rakyat.

Aliran deras kehendak individu juga mengada-ada apabila individu-individu tidak lagi paku dan taat kepada suatu ideologi sahaja. Zaman ini menampakkan manusia yang 'bertukar-tukar' fikiran maupun pihak pemerintah itu memperlihatkan 'performance' yang konsisten dan baik. Pengundi-pengundi ingin juga untuk cuba yang 'baru' dan 'muda'. Ini terutama sekali pihak kumpulan pemerintah ini telah terlalu lama mentadbir hinggakan mereka mau sesuatu yang dikatakan sebagai the 'unknown angel'.

Sehingga kini, pedihnya situasi pihak pemerintah ini; terutama sekali apabila mereka telah mula merosot dan kehilangan sokongan daripada rakyat. Hilangnya juga penyokong-penyokong sehingga mereka juga berasa mundur dan cacat terhadap pendirian poltik. Maka, setengah individu di dalam kumpulan pemerintah akan mengamuk dan hilang kewarasan; sehingga mereka akan gunakan apa saja bentuk cara - termasuk dengan menggunakan cara paksa dan keganasan - tanpa menghiraukan kepentingan negara; semata-mata untuk mengekalkan kesahihan mereka. Ini akan mempercepatkan lagi kejatuhan dinasti pemerintahan mereka.
ai ya ya ya ya yaya ya ay

Friday, June 3, 2011

Hebatnya Sebuah Negara Malaysia

Jananya sebuah negara Malaysia pada tahun 1963. Maka, perlembagaan telah mempelbagaikan dan menyerapkan semua nilai-nilai terhadap suku-suku kaum termasuk suku Melayu, India dan Cina yang sebelum ini telah dilesap pada tanggal 31hb Ogos 1957. Justeru itu, bendera Malaysia telah berkibar dengan riang dan bangganya.

Disebalik ini, pertikaian politik telah bercincang cancing, dengan kegawatan politik telahan - ancaman subversif politik ala komunis pada 50an sehingga 80an. Tutupnya tirai kemusykilan dan kesahihan setengah suku kaum atas taat setia mereka terhadap negara ini.

Lantasnya, pendirian yang unik - atas kesudian setengah pihak untuk mengagihkan "kekayaan" ala perintis mengikut suku kaum telah disalurkan - kerana untuk menyelesaikan masalah pertelingkahan dan ketidaksefahaman antara suku kaum Cina, Melayu, India dan sebagainya. Mau tidak mau, dasar ekonomi baru yang diperkenalkan pada 70an telah berjaya memberi sumbangan yang hebat dan drastik dalam membayangkan suatu ideolistik yang strategik dalam mempertikaikan sara hidup suku kaum Melayu. Ini memberi manafaat yang cukup baik sehingga dasar kerajaan telah dilanjutkan untuk mengklasifikasikan keutamaan dan yang kurang keutamaan.

Inilah pertikaian yang paling jelas dalam jurusan politik terkini. Dan perkelahian dan sentimen perpuakan yang tidak habis-habis adalah hasil penjelasan dan pentafsiran teks perlembagaan negara kita. Maka, adalah wajar untuk sesuatu institusi kerajaan untuk menjaga kepentingan bangsanya. Dan dalam kontek ini, ianya adalah bangsa Malaysia. Di dalam pada itu, "Abang" kita dulu yakni "Gentlemen Mat Salleh - English" yang membarakan watak bangsa di Malaysia, mempunyai bangsa Melayu, bangsa India dan bangsa Cina. Mau tidak mau, bangsa-bangsa ini mempunyai kebangsaan, kebudayaan, corak hidup, cara hidup, agama, kepercayaan yang tersendiri. Jadi, adalah tidak wajar untuk menonjolkan suatu bangsa yang baru melainkan bangsa-bangsa mengabaikan kebangsaan, kebudayaan dan sebagainya untuk disatukan sebagai suatu bangsa, suatu budaya dan suatu lafaz , suatu negara, SATU MALAYSIA - naungan Najib yang telah lambat sebanyak 54 tahun.

Kini, ianya adalah tidak wajar untuk mempertikaikan soal perlembagaan, kerana inilah teks direksi negara. Prof Khoo Kay Khim telah berkali-kali mengatakan bahawa soal kontrak sosial antara suku kaum. Dimana, adalah dipercayai bahawa Prof Khoo telah memberi andaian bahawa jika hendak selesaikan masalah sosial, kenalah adanya suatu "constitution amendment". Pada hemat saya, perlembagaan boleh ditukar, wajah muka boleh diperbarui, situasi boleh dikemaskinikan, tetapi rangsing dan hati sanubari sahaja yang kita patut dan kena diutamakan.

Apapun, kita mesti mulakan pendekatan politik yang baru, pendirian dan kesahihan jiwa yang tulin - berkhidmat kepada warga sejagat. Bukan sekadar kita nampak apa yang di depan mata kita sekarang, tetapi ianya juga melibatkan apa yang ada di antara negara, di kawasan politik yang lain, di Asia seterusnya, di dunia secara umumnya.

Negara China telah berkembang maju; hasil usaha keruntuhan dan kebuluran akibat dari pendirian politik ala komunis pada tahun 60an, telah bangkit untuk membuka ruang mereka menyerap nilai ekonomi kapitalis ala sosialis yang tidak pernah diusahakan oleh sesiapa badan poitik di dunia ini. Kini, negara China mempunyai rangkaian keretapi yang paling moden di dunia, mempunyai lebuhraya-lebuhraya yang menyambung seluruh selok belok negaranya. China mempunyai fasiliti-fasiliti hardware yang cukup moden dan maju, tetapi kurangnya pendekatan "softscape". Maupun ianya mempunyai "hardscape" yang cukup baik, tetapi rakyatnya masih tertindas. Dan ketindasan politik ini akan menjelmakan (suatu hari nanti) suatu perkelahian dan perbalahan politik yang eksplosif kelak.

Di sebalik dengan perbalahan terhadap hak-hak keistimewaan suku kaum Melayu dan bumiputera secara umumnya, ianya hanya pertikaian poltik setempat. Pendirian secara globalisasi perlu diungkitkan dan bukan hanya dipuak-puakkan kepada suatu penempatan yang terlalu kecil - hanya untuk Malaysia sahaja. Minda kita telah tukar, zaman sudah berubah. Pertikaian politik perpuakan dan kesukuan kaum bukanlah adalah tidak relevan lagi. Malah, yang penting lagi, masalah sosial, masalah ekologi, masalah ketandusan mineral dan galian, krisis minyak dan tenaga. Ditambah lagi, masalah perumahan dan kependudukan, kesesakan lalu lintas, masalah pengangkutan jalan, dan sebagainya.

Masalah-masalah sosial inilah yang mengakibatkan kekalahan Barisan Nasional di kebanyakan kerusi Parlimen di Semanjung Malaysia. Justeru itu, kesedaran politik dan gelombang perubahan yang baru ini bukanlah lagi memperbalahkan tentang keagihan kekayaan tetapi lebih penting lagi krisis kehidupan dan kesaraan harian yang lebih trajik...

Sehingga ini, batik menyembah - DAULAT TUANKU - sempena Hari Keputeraan Rasmi

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Medical Science - A science of creating wealth not otherwise

Subject: FW: Important Health Facts You Should Know

If only we knew 15 years ago...our parents might still be with us.

I posted this article, which may have some provoking thoughts:

The below is absolutely 100% true and as a doctor I have been telling people this for 15 years now. No one wants to listen. Folks need to wake up. Cancer treatment is about making money. It is a 120 billion dollar a year industry in the United States alone and estimated to be a 600 billion dollar a year industry worldwide. A successful cancer case according to the American Cancer Society and the American College of Oncology and Hematology means that the person survives for 5 years. Both the American Cancer Society and the American College of Oncology and Hematology admit that a person is likely to survive cancer for 7 to 10 years even if they do absolutely NOTHING. Of course, only the doctors get those magazines - not you, the cancer patient.

Alternative medicine's track record of curing cancer is 10 times higher than that of conventional medicine. Note that I say CURE. Remember another thing. A TUMOR is just a symptom. It is not the cause of cancer. Science is cause and effect. Remove the cause and the effect disappears. I am in my third battle with cancer right now. I have not done any chemotherapy or radiation or surgery for any of my bouts with cancer. I survived leukemia, I survived Non Hodgkins Lymphoma and now I have Glioblastoma which is supposedly an incurable form of brain cancer. I was given two months to live 5 months ago. I have been using Chinese herbs, high doses of vitamin C, acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy and nutritional changes. Yes, at first it got worse. It had metastasized to my lymph nodes, my lungs and my bones. As of this week, I am happy to say that there is no evidence now of any cancer in my lymph system or my bones. I had 6 tumors in my lungs, now there are only two. The tumors in my brain have shrunken tremendously. I never did any of their chemo, radiation or surgery. Here is a very interesting statistic that you can only have access to by being a doctor. Every year more than 1,000 doctors oncologists (cancer doctors) are diagnosed with cancer. Less than 10% of them choose to do the treatment that they have been giving to their patients. Sort of like the fact that less than 25% of all pediatricians vaccinate their own children because of the fact that the risk of sudden death or serious side effects from the vaccination is higher than the risk of catching the disease one is being vaccinated for. This is not bullshit people - it is truth. Medicine is about money, not about your health and the system traps people, especially the elderly, disabled and poor into a deadly treatment regime that puts them in an early grave. Meanwhile, all the jet set billionaires are flying off to Europe and paying big bucks for alternative treatments and getting cured.

Does alternative medicine work all the time? No. Of course not. Nothing works all the time. But there is a reason for that. You don't die until it's your time to die. Nothing can make you live longer than that time. However quality of life comes into play. Those cancer patients who use alternative therapies for their cancer, yet still die from the illness, suffer a much higher quality of life. They die able to spend time with their families and even recognize their family members. They don't become emaciated like those who do chemotherapy or radiation do and rarely is a person who goes under the treatment of chemotherapy able to recognize anyone for the last few days of their lives. Their bodies become ravaged to the point that you can't even recognize them either. They suffer at a much much higher rate and they have one let down after another as doctors tell them, ahhh - it's looking good, only to tell them on the next visit it's looking worse, you need more chemo and radiation.

What is criminal about this is that YOUR DOCTORS KNOW THIS SHIT.

I took an oath as a physician. I have always followed it. That has certainly not made me successful financially as a doctor because I have consistently refused to go along with conventional medicine's bullshit.

Read the below carefully. It may indeed make a difference in your life.

Rick Cantrell, PhD, MD, PsyD


Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins :

1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer

cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have

multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients

that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after

treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the

cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable


2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a

person's lifetime.

3. When the person's immune system is strong the cancer

cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and

forming tumors.

4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has

nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic,

but also to environmental, food and lifestyle factors.

5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing

diet to eat more adequately and healthy, 4-5 times/day

and by including supplements will strengthen the immune


6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing

cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells

in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract etc, and can

cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.

7.. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars

and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.

8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often

reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of

chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor


9. When the body has too much toxic burden from

chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either

compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb

to various kinds of infections and complications.

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to

mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy.

Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other


11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer

cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply.


a. Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are

made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural

substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses, but only in

very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make

it white in color Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea


B. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the

gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting

off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk cancer

cells are being starved.

c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based

diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little other

meat, like chicken. Meat also contains livestock

antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all

harmful, especially to people with cancer.

d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole

grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into

an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked

food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live

enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to

cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance

growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building

healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most

vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw

vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at

temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C)..

e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high

caffeine Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer

fighting properties. Water-best to drink purified water, or

filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap

water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of

digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the

intestines becomes putrefied and leads to more toxic


13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By

refraining from or eating less meat it frees more

enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and

allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.

14. Some supplements build up the immune system

(IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals,

EFAs etc.) to enable the bodies own killer cells to destroy

cancer cells.. Other supplements like vitamin E are known

to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's

normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or

unneeded cells.

15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit.

A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior

be a survivor. Anger, un-forgiveness and bitterness put

the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to

have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy


16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated

environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to

get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen

therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer


1. No plastic containers in micro.

2. No water bottles in freezer.

3. No plastic wrap in microwave..

Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its newsletters. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center as well. Dioxin chemicals cause cancer, especially breast cancer. Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies. Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic. Recently, Dr Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital , was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us. He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers. This especially applies to foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body. Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food. You get the same results, only without the dioxin. So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from the container and heated in something else. Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc. He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.

Please share this with your whole email list.........................

Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as Saran, is just as dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food. Cover food with a paper towel instead.

This is an article that should be sent to anyone important in your life.