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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Weather change

China experience a massive dry season. Most of the river along the upper and middle part of YangTze River had been drying up. Lakes rock bottom dried since last month. Aquaculture and agriculture segments are greatly affected.

News on the Massive Three Gorges Dam experienced a low and tide water level. Power plant may choose to reduce the power generation. Climate change made the thing worst. The summer had not been that for the last 100 years. Has this happened 40 years ago, China shall experience many people die of hunger. The GDP numbers is affected and the number will go all time low now.

More immigrant will splash on the major cities at the coastal area at the eastern part of China. Fortunately, inland transport and smooth transfer of good and feed recover over the short fall.
The local people are not 'affected'. owing to modernization and massive economic growth for the last 3 decades.

China has maintained a strong policy of - emphasizing to feed up their own people by modernizing the agriculture and aquaculture industry. It manages to produce enough feedstock - rice, wheat, grains, etc to food its 1.3 billion people.

Strategic choice and planned action work well since the 1970s. The early 1960s and late 1950s hunger disaster killed and affected 50 million people. From then on, it embarked a strategic action - to modify genetically of the high yield grain. The result, it produces more than the demand today.

Malaysia, a small country of 28 million inhabitant, serves only 40% of the grain that produced locally. And that 60% had to be imported. We have long term strategic and massive plan but lack strategic action and delivery system. This is a thread - Its a national security issue!!!!!!!!!

Bad bad bad bad ai ya ya aya ayayyaya

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